スペシャリティコーヒー情報/Specialty Coffee

スペシャリティコーヒー情報/Specialty Coffee コーヒー/Coffee


Introducing information on specialty coffee from Japan(Osaka, Kyoto, Sapporo, Okinawa) and overseas. I will only introduce coffee from shops and roasters that I have visited or tried.


【札幌 カフェ】元バリスタおすすめ!スペシャリティコーヒーがおいしいお店13選

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Early Morning Cafe Guide: Premium Coffee in Osaka Honmachi

Discover an authentic coffee experience in Osaka's Honmachi district. From artisanal coffee to delicious Japanese breakfast sets, this local cafe offers the perfect start to your day. Opens early!
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Osaka Coffee Guide: 20 Best Specialty Coffee Shops You Can’t Miss

Explore Osaka's vibrant coffee culture with our guide to 20 top specialty cafes. From artisanal roasts to cozy atmospheres, discover hidden gems and popular spots perfect for coffee lovers and tourists alike.

【大阪 本町/北浜エリア】元バリスタおすすめ!スペシャリティコーヒーがおいしいカフェ6選



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Japanese Barista’s Nordic Odyssey: Exploring the Light Roast Frontier

Discover the world of Nordic light roast coffee through the eyes of a Japanese barista. Explore 7 top cafes in Scandinavia, each offering unique flavors and experiences. From Oslo to Copenhagen, embark on a coffee odyssey and taste the best of Nordic brew culture.

【北欧 カフェ】旅行で絶対いきたい!スペシャリティコーヒーカフェ7選

北欧のコーヒーはずばり 【浅煎り】です。そんな北欧の美味しいコーヒーが飲めるカフェ7選を元バリスタが紹介!。すべてのカフェがそれぞれの個性と信念をもって本気でコーヒーに向き合っているので、北欧に行くことがあれば是非立ち寄ってください。


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Kyoto’s Specialty Coffee: 11 Must-Visit Spots for Coffee Lovers

From the perspective of a former barista at specialty coffee shops, I introduce specialty coffee shops in Kyoto. In the ever-changing Kyoto, I've mixed both long-standing and recently opened shops, categorized by areas. Each shop has its unique character, making them irresistible for coffee enthusiasts.
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Okinawa’s Finest: Your Guide to the 8 Best Specialty Coffee Cafes

[2024 Guide] Discover Okinawa's Best Speciality Coffee Cafes! Whether you're a local or a visitor searching for exceptional specialty coffee in Okinawa, this article is your go-to resource. Let me guide you to the island's finest brews!